2023 Novel November Editing Giveaway

Every year, come October, I tell myself I should participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). And most years, come the day after Halloween, I’ve decided I can’t handle that much extra work in my life right now.

And yes, that does reveal a lot about my priorities.

This year, because I knew I wouldn’t be writing, I decided to do something for writers.

The 2023 Novel November Giveaway

I want to edit the first chapter of your book for free.

It doesn’t have to be a freshly completed NaNoWriMo novel (and, truth be told, it probably shouldn’t be—let that sucker rest!)

If free editing sounds good to you, read on.

The “Fine Print”

To enter your name in the metaphorical hat, I need you to follow me on twitter, like the official contest tweet, and reply there with your novel’s working title. On November 30th, I’ll collect all the names entered and select five winners. I’ll reach out to those winners with information on how they can submit their chapters to me, and I’ll shoot to have all winners selected and notified by Dec. 14, 2023.

Each winner will be allowed to submit one chapter, or up to 3,000 words. If something about your novel doesn’t sit well with me, I do reserve the right to pass on work that violates my personal boundaries (e.g. I’m not comfortable with hardcore erotica or graphic violence. No shade if that’s what you write, it’s just not for me). If I pass on a winner’s work, I’ll offer that winner a chance to resubmit another work.

The “Catch”

All winners will be asked to rate and review my editorial services. Agreeing to rate or review is not necessary in order to enter or win, but it would be appreciated, especially if you feel my feedback is valuable. At the end of the day, I’m trying to grow this business; I love helping writers, but I also love groceries, paying my bills, and taking care of my family.

Please note that I am not in any way affiliated with the official National Novel Writing Month organization. I am aware of the scandal involving a moderator of their forums allegedly grooming minors. I unequivocally condemn such actions, and hope that all necessary steps are taken to protect victims and prevent the alleged groomer from victimizing anyone else in the future.


The Song of the Stars, Part 3


The Song of the Stars, Part 2